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NR02537 / Cette serie photo a remporte le premier prix du World Press Photo Award 2007, categorie portrait.<br />
Le stade  du PrÈsident Saparmourat Niazov ‡ Achgabat  lors des festivitÈs de la journÈe de l'indÈpendance, le peuple TurmËne chante les louanges de leur prÈsident et font honneur au livre du PrÈsident le Rukhnama qui est reprÈsentÈ comme un nouveau Coran au Turkmenistan.<br />
Achgabat,Turkmenistan, Octobre 2006.<br />
© Nicolas Righetti / Lundi13<br />
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NR02537 / This photo serie won the first prize of the World Press Photo Award 2007 on the category portrait story. The stadium of the President Saparmourat Niazov to Achgabat during the festivities of the day of independence, the people TurmËne sings the praises of their president and honour the book of the President Rukhnama which is represented as the new Koran in Turkmenistan. <br />
Achgabat,Turkmenistan, October 2006